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AI in Schools: How Our British Schools Approach This Topic – Plus a Podcast Recommendation

Many schools are grappling with the challenge of establishing clear guidelines for the use of AI. Especially in preparation for final exams or international qualifications such as the IB, AI can serve as a valuable tool – but how can it be used effectively? And where should the boundaries be drawn?

Many of our partner schools in the UK have already developed clear policies on AI, which they actively communicate to students – whether in the classroom or during weekly school assemblies. The International Baccalaureate (IB) was also quick to define an official stance on the matter. While recognizing AI’s potential benefits, the IB emphasizes transparent and responsible use in line with academic integrity principles. More details can be found in the latest IB Statement on AI.

Parents often wonder how they can help their children navigate the use of AI. A highly relevant episode of the ARD AI Podcast, titled “Does AI Make Us Dumber?”, offers practical insights. One particularly thought-provoking prompt from the episode encourages students to use AI as a learning partner rather than a shortcut for homework:

"Don’t ask AI – tell AI to ask you.": You are here to challenge my thinking. No matter what we discuss, structure your responses in a way that encourages me to reflect critically. Pose meaningful questions whose answers will help me better understand my task or goal. Then review my responses with me until I am satisfied with the solution. Listen to the podcast.

At the end of 2023, we explored this topic in depth during a webinar featuring Dr. Andy Kemp, Principal of the National Mathematics & Science College. He demonstrated practical ways students can use AI to enhance their own writing – for instance, by improving the structure of literary analyses: Watch the webinar recording.


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