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Our Commitment for Equal Opportunities: Support on bcause

Education opens doors and creates more equal opportunities – a principle that has guided us for over 25 years in placing students at British boarding schools. We see every day how access to good education develops talents and changes lives. But not all children have the same opportunities. That is why we are involved in bcause, a platform that connects donors and social projects to enable sustainable support.

With bcause, we are currently supporting four initiatives that we know personally and consider to be very valuable. Their projects help children and young people to overcome barriers and discover their potential:

  • 21future: Learning journeys about the UN Sustainable Development Goals for socially disadvantaged young people.
  • Stiftung Startchance: Individual support for students from disadvantaged families.
  • Apropolis: Democracy workshops that empower young people to actively shape our society.
  • coach@school e.V.: Promoting reading skills with the ‘book suitcase’ programme.

We know from our work that education is much more than just knowledge – it also means self-confidence, prospects and social participation. Our involvement in bcause is our contribution to opening up these opportunities to more children and young people.

You can find more information here: Education for all: The Glasmacher School Advisory Service recommends these 4 organisations

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