PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is an inspiring course that is compulsory in British schools. Every month, we will present topics from this subject to teenagers (and their parents) in a webinar with guests from our partner schools.
On Wednesday 13 December at 6pm CET, we will launch the series with the webinar on Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom and are delighted to have Dr Andy Kemp, Principal of The National Mathematics & Science College as our speaker.
Our second webinar will be on Fake News and will take place on Wednesday 10 January at 6pm CET. Our speaker in January is Mr Thomas Sparrow, correspondent for Deutsche Welle.
Future topics for this PSHE series will include Effective Revision and Test Taking, Dealing with Feelings, Vaping, Sleep, Cyber Security, Racism, Arguing effectively, Banks/Mortgages/Stocks & Shares, You and the Law - understanding the Justice System, Eating disorders, Talking to your Parents about Sex or Civil Liberties and Human Rights.
The webinars are free and conducted in English.