
Advice from Gresham's School: Be Honest, Be Kind and Work Hard

As the new British school year begins, we wish all our students a great start and a memorable time at their new schools.

Mr Douglas Robb, Headmaster of Gresham’s School, gave a great speech earlier this week to mark the start of the new school year. He emphasised three important rules that will not only make their time at school successful, but also the rest of their lives: Be honest, be kind and work hard. He explained the meaning of these three principles in more detail in his excellent Beginning of Term speech.

He made the following recommendation to the parents in the audience: “We will shortly ask the children to leave this service with their housemaster or mistress. Don’t panic you will see them again shortly. We do ask that you leave them alone after lunch, I promise that I will find you if you hide in a tree somewhere on the campus with a pair of binoculars, a mobile telephone and a thermos flask; I will ask you, very nicely, to leave. Please be reassured that they will be busy and engaged for the rest of the day. If they don’t call it is because they are occupied and happy, if they do and they are upset, simply reassure them and call your housemaster or mistress.”

Just like Douglas Robb, we hope that our parents are not missing their children too much. If you don't hear from your son or daughter, you can be sure that they are fine and just very, very busy.

You can read the whole speech here

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