
A-Level Results Day

The 2024 A-Level results will be published today so it is an important day for students who sat these exams in May and June.

A-Levels are the British school leaving certificate and give pupils access not only to British universities, but also to universities in Germany, Austria and worldwide. A-Levels offer students the opportunity to focus on a smaller number of subjects, usually three or four. This allows candidates to specialise in their individual strengths and use the Sixth Form to well prepare for their planned university degree.  With the right combination of subjects, A-Levels are fully recognised by universities in Germany too, and have been since 1991. For example, a student with A-Levels in Maths, a science, a humanity (such as Economics, Geography or History) and a language (usually German A-Level for Germans) can apply for all degrees at German universities with the exception of Medicine or Pharmacy. But all other degrees such as any Humanity, Law, Economics or Business and subjects like Psychology, as well as the natural sciences and any technical/mathematical degree would be possible with this combination.

Congratulations to all our A-level graduates of 2024!

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